Custom time-based fees

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The Department of Veterans' Affairs uses a system of time-based fees to remunerate anaesthetists. This allows for a set dollar value per hour for time spent administering anaesthetics and this is independent of the Medicare or other fee schedules. The Victorian Workcover Authority also offers a time-based system (as well as a fee schedule system). Instead of using a specific process for the VicWC method, Access Anaesthetics has a customisable system which will allow the creation of any number of different time-based systems using different rates and time periods.


The Time-Based Schemes configuration form can be opened from the Tools menu or from the My Own Fee dialog box. This will allow you to create and customise your own time-based schedules. A scheme for the VicWC Time-engaged method has already been set up.


Using a time-based scheme on your account


1.On the MBS tab of the Items page, click the My Own Fee button.
2.Select the preferred time-based scheme from the list labelled Insert time-based item for.


This will perform the fee calculation and insert the appropriate item details onto the account with the calculated fee inserted into the My Own Fee column.




3.Lastly, select the My Own Fee on the Fee page.


NoteIf the start or stop times of the procedure are changed, the time-based item should be removed from the list and re-inserted, so that the fee is recalculated. (The account does not keep track of how the fee was first calculated and has to do it again from scratch.)