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Cloud server security considerations

Cloud server security considerations

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Cloud server security considerations

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Secure server hosting

In late 2018, we migrated our server to be hosted by Macquarie Cloud Services. Macquarie is one of a small number of hosting companies that are on the list of ASD Certified Cloud Services. Our virtual solution is hosted in their 'Secure Health Cloud' which provides all the security conditions required by Medicare for cloud services involving online transaction data. Medicare has made specific conditions mandatory for cloud services hosting systems which manage Medicare online transactions, so this server migration was essential for us.


Data encryption during transfer

This is not required as all that is transferred over the connection is keystrokes and mouse movements. The data itself remains entirely on the server and is not transferred via the connection. This is quite different to a website where for example a credit card number is stored as an intact string and transferred in a 'packet'. This requires encryption since it is easier to detect. The likelihood of important information being identified in a stream of keystrokes is very small.


Operating system security

The server is only accessible to the administrator and to licenced users. The server uses Windows NTFS security running in a Windows Server 2016 environment. Individual practices only have permissions to access their own specific folder on the server - this is again protected by Windows NTFS security. The server is additionally protected by an enterprise firewall and antivirus software. This is constantly updated and protects against all manner of unwanted threats. The server operating system is automatically updated to ensure the latest Microsoft patches are installed in a timely fashion.


Data centre location 

The server is housed in a secure data centre in Sydney, run by a Macquarie Cloud Services. Macquarie guarantee 99.95% uptime. Backups are done every night to an offsite location.


Overseas access

The server environment has enhanced security, and standard connections are only possible from Australian IP addresses. If a client needs to connect from an overseas location, a VPN (virtual private network) connection is required. Please contact us to have this set up before you need to log in from overseas. Details on how to log on to the VPS are given here.