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Cloud server Terms & Conditions

Cloud server Terms & Conditions

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Cloud server Terms & Conditions

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The remote server is hosted with Macquarie Cloud Services. We reserve the right to change the server host at our discretion.
All data is hosted at Australian data centres.
Macquarie's uptime is guaranteed to be at least 99.95% (ref). Planned server outages will be kept to a minimum and clients will be notified of any outages that are expected to adversely affect usage of Access Anaesthetics.
Daily backups are made overnight of all data and are kept offsite. Backups are kept for the last 30 days.
The server is set up and maintained by associates of Hybrid Software Pty Ltd.
Up-to-date firewall and antivirus software is maintained on the server.
Data on the server is only accessible by authorized users of your practice, and by the system administrator. Security and privacy of the server are carefully monitored.
Further security details are given here.




The annual support subscription will cost the same as for clients using standard PC or LAN systems. This will be due annually on the renewal date. Conditions for support are the same as for other clients.
There will be an annual fee for each user account required – currently $450 (Jan 2019).
The account fee will be levied at the time the login is generated and will be renewable at the time the software support subscription is due. Accounts created more than 6 months prior to the renewal date will attract the standard annual fee upfront. Logins created less than 6 months prior to the renewal date will attract a reduced upfront fee, currently $200.
There will be no refund of unused login fees if a login ceases to be used.
A login may be deleted and a new one created for a service fee of $50.
Access Anaesthetics program updates will be installed on the server when they become available. There will be no installation cost levied to clients.




Should it become necessary to cancel the hosted service, Access Anaesthetics clients who have purchased the software will be able to use the system on their local PC or network, with the remainder of their current subscription intact.
Clients who have purchased the software as a standalone installed version, may elect to migrate off the server back to their local PC. Standard support conditions and costs will apply. Clients who have paid a setup fee for server access, without paying a software purchase fee, are required to pay a purchase fee if they wish to move to a version installed on an individual PC.
Hybrid Software Pty Ltd does not support setting up a remote server service other than on the specific AA Macquarie server.


Additional guidelines on using the server


These terms and conditions are current as of 01/01/2019 and are subject to change without notice.