Access Anaesthetics FAQ

Server 2020 March 18

Server 2020 March 18

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Server 2020 March 18

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Brief server outage


Early on Tuesday, we experienced an issue that affected the AA Virtual Server. The issue related to a maintenance task that was scheduled out of hours and some settings were changed that prevented files being viewed by authorised users. We were able to identify and correct the problem so that full access was restored before 9am, with no loss of data. Problems do occur from time to time with any software application, and the good news from this episode is that our team was able to react quickly to identify and repair the problem and restore services in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the server to ensure there are minimal interruptions to the service.


Once again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.



Server web-browsing


As part of our ongoing security reviews on the Access Anaesthetics server, we have recently reviewed the use of web browsers by clients. Although the server is protected by firewall and antivirus systems, browsing websites directly on the server can expose the server to risks from malicious software. The server should not be used for internet browsing except where required for Access Anaesthetics billing purposes. We will be instituting a policy in the near future to limit browser traffic to specific sites that are necessary for a client’s use of Access Anaesthetics. This would prevent clients using a browser on the server to visit websites that are not in a ‘white list’ managed by us.


If you have sites that you would like added to our upcoming white list, please advise us by email at your convenience, so access to these sites can continue. For general web-browsing, please ensure you use a browser opened on your local PC, not on the AA remote desktop. These measures are to ensure the ongoing security of all clients using the Access Anaesthetics server.


Please get in touch if you have any queries.