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GU Health - new fee updates

GU Health - new fee updates

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GU Health - new fee updates

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In November 2018, Grand United left the AHSA, but continued to maintain an identical fee schedule. Beginning in Jan 2020, GUH made some changes to their schedule that are different to the AHSA schedule, so it became necessary to create a new set of schedules for Grand United in AA. These are available in the funds drop-down list on the Items tab, labelled GUH_ACT, GUH_NSW etc with a separate schedule for each state. Ideally, you should change the fee schedule for Grand United in your addresses lookup table so that the GUH schedule is now used instead of AHSA. The change will look like the image below.


If the fee schedule is left at AHSA, there are currently only a small number of items where the fees differ between GUH and AHSA (18297, 20142, 20144, 20145, 20410, 21922, 21926, 21936, 21952, 32222, 32223, 32224, 32225, 32226, 32227, 32228, 591). However, this will not necessarily be the case in the future, and we will be maintaining separate schedules for GUH and AHSA from now on.