Formatting the list

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The List of Payments shows a tabular selection of the data in the Access Anaesthetics database. The records shown in the list are determined by the various selection methods described in this chapter. Two other aspects of the list can also be customised. They are 1) the font, font size and other other formatting options and 2) which columns are displayed. You can adjust these by selecting Format Datasheet from the Tools menu.


Select a format and click Apply (or double click the format). The properties of the selected format will be applied to the list. These include the font, font size, bold face, gridlines, and the selection of columns.


The format will remain in effect until you select a different format, or until you install an Access Anaesthetics program update. In the latter case, the format will revert to the <Standard> format.


To create your own formats, or customise existing ones, click the Customise button.






The format higlighted will be that which is currently in effect in the list. You may modify this format by adjusting the font options, or by adding to or removing columns from the list. The <Standard> format cannot be modified.


To create a new format, click the Save as button to copy an existing format with a new name. Then modify the properties of the new format.




Experiment with different formats showing different columns. One group of columns may be better than another when performing particular tasks. A format with just a few columns may be more easy to manage than one which requires horizontal scrolling.
Reorder the columns in a format to suit your own viewing preferences.
If you have a high resolution screen, adjusting the font size may be desirable.