Access Anaesthetics FAQ

Renewing an HPOS certificate

Renewing an HPOS certificate

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Renewing an HPOS certificate

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If your HPOS system stops working when your Eclipse certificate is renewed, follow these steps to reactivate HPOS.


1.Go to Start > Control Panel > PKI Certificate Manager.
2.If the certificate does not open automatically, open it by selecting the file hic.psi. It will be located either in your C:\Access Anaesthetics\ folder, or in C:\Users\<your username>\.
3.Click on the first current certificate and press <Export>.
4.Enter the store password.
5.When you are prompted 'Please select the file to export', click on the box with three dots, choose the Desktop and enter the file name Sign.p12.
6.Press <Open>.
7.Tick the box to 'Include private key'.
8.Press <Next>.
9.At the password prompt, enter the same password again and press <Finish>.
10.Choose the second current certificate and press <Export>.
11.Repeat steps 4-9 but call the file Encrypt.p12.


The certificates will now be on your Desktop. Double click on each to install following the instructions here.